Whitmyer Contoured Cradle

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Discover comfort & support w/ Whitmyer Contoured Cradle. Customized solution for your unique needs. Get exceptional care from Highgate Healthcare. Buy Now!
SKU: XR-0016
NDIS Purchase Pathway HCP Equipment Funding
The Contoured Cradle Head Support's positioning success is derived from its unique anatomic shape. Designed to cradle the occiput and provide lateral cervical support, this wheelchair head support supplies a high degree of comfort and positioning in a simple-to-adjust head support.
Detailed Specification
Large, Medium, Small, Large C-Plush, Medium C-Plush, Small C-Plush
Lateral Facial Supports:
Unilateral or Bilateral: Spot, Standard, Long, Oval, Large-C, Medium-C, Small-C, FS0-8
Anterior Support Options:
Dynamic Forehead Strap, DFS2, Strap Cap, Static Forehead Strap